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 Mary Kay Funrasier

MisTick@TheAsylyme jder@worldnet.att.net

I will again offer my Mary Kay business as a fundraiser. It can be done thru catalogs (booklets I send you) or through the website as far as looking at the products. *You* would handle the money and distribute the products and 100% of the profit goes to you to administer, it does not benefit me in any way whatsoever, this is not a commercial venture for me in any sense. My website is http://www.mymk.com/jderbedrosian Anyone can do one, i.e. a group, an individual. Just get friends to either look at the catalogs or the website. Put together an order. Send me a cashier's check or money order for the wholesale price plus tax on the retail. I will have the entire order shipped directly to you. You distribute, then collect money, or preferably collect the money in advance. The difference between what you paid me and what you collect could be as high as 40 - 50% subtracting the cost of the catalogs and the shipping charge and tax on retail and etc. It is a painless fundraiser. Some groups have done a specific product fundraiser, i.e. the Hand Cream is a great fundraiser. They just take orders for the one product from all their friends, and a lot of people order i.e. 8 at a time for gifts. Remember that two events are coming up: end of the year - Teacher's gifts, and Father's day. The teachers here love the Hand Cream and the Lipstick. The men's products are great. And right now the Sun Products are selling fast, they are really good for the skin. Which are, again, at http://www.mymk.com/jderbedrosian Right now the Spa Collection products are big, they are every spring/summer. The sun products are excellent quality. The Gift selection is good. Such as an "Its In the Bag" Nail kit set, and a "Satin Hands" set which are very big sellers. For Father's day, some nice fragrances and a Bath and Hair Shower Gel. Each of the Women's Fragrances are really nice, by the way. There is not one that is better than the other in quality and I wear all 3. You click on "Shop Online With Me" at the left on the website and you get a list of all the product categories and then click on any one of them. A person actually could order thru the website directly from me and I would put the proceeds into a doctor defense fund here. If *you* put together a minimum $320 order then I can have it shipped to you for only a couple of dollars and perhaps free depending on what level the order is. This is an easy fundraiser as the products are already made up (i.e. don't have to cook chocolate) and the website is already up, or I can send you catalogs in about 3 days by snail mail. Let me know if you are interested. The profits would be in your hand if you do a bulk order, and not pass thru mine, You would pick which fund to donate them to and who to attribute the donation to (i.e. from your support group, etc.) The only qualification is that Mary Kay products *can not* be sold retail, i.e. you can not put a table in front of the supermarket or at a flea market and take orders. Or order product and then sell it that way. You can suggest to your friends, co-workers, and etc. but we do not do retail as it is against our license. Well that is one suggestion for fundraising. E-mail me privately if interested and I will give more details. They are well-known quality products, take a look at the website, Mary Kay is the nations' Best Selling Brand. Good luck all. Our support group is doing a flea market for doctors' defense fund and we are doing a Mary Kay fundraiser also. Jeannine ps - I will supply you with a Word file with a letter announcing your fundraiser and the reason if you would like.

Contact Jeannine Der Bedrosian (MisTick and the TBA's)



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